Abstract Impressionism Art Video Artist Inspiration

Artist Inspiration

Although I am not painting an actual scene when I close my eyes I I get inspiration from seeing something similar to what I have painted. It is as real to me as if it were an actual place. And it will elicit an emotion that is as alive as the actual place. Sometimes I think of a place I have visited and that had some sort of emotional quality that I want to recreate on canvas in an abstract way.

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In this short video you can see that I started with the image of the ocean . The quality I am trying to capture is the feeling of being immersed in the surf - the turbulence of the water and the feeling of the waves coming over the rocks.

A Pelican?

You could ask what is the point of the pelicans? The main thing I am getting out of them is their beak and the way the neck twists and turns . It’s shape is interesting to me.

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As a viewer you don’t have to see any of this in the painting. You can bring your own feelings and experiences to looking at it and what it means to you.