Soccer painting Boy Kicking Soccer Ball

A couple of months ago just for the fun of it I started doing paintings of photos that people posted on my Facebook page,  The painting you see of the boy kicking a soccer ball is one of those paintings.  It is very interesting to see all the different photos that people post.  There is no hidden agenda, no trick, no spam - just me painting from images people have posted.   What really surprises me is that so few people have submitted a photograph.  I'm not saying these are the best paintings in the world but they are interesting and challenging for me - which is one of the reasons I have been doing it. - A painting a week.

So, if you have an interesting photo of yourself, a family member or friend in a sports action and would like to see what kind of painting I can do of it check below for info.

Painting Woman Soccer Player Stephanie Sabaliauskas image

Woman soccer player Stephanie Sabaliauskas played for Montclair State University 2001-2004. Four year starter, 41 goals and 13 assists playing Forward.  The painting was commissioned to honor Stephanie at Monclair State.   The painting is 12" x 16" ink and acrylic on canvas.  The background newsprint are articles about Stephanie's career as an outstanding woman's soccer player

Soccer Painting Striker European Football Player World Cup

Soccer Player  Striker “Swift Action” 14” x 20” ink and acrylic on newsprint (Old Sporting News, magazines, books, etc) about soccer (football)..  Newsprint attached to stretched canvas. To view paintings for sale please visit:
John Robertson Sports Paintings for sale.

I did not want to be a footballer when I was a child, and with good reason - I  was born to early for the game in the United States.  As a boy nobody played it.  That was in the late forties.  Yes 1948.  Football was the LA Rams playing in the LA Coliseum.   Not World Cup Soccer.  There was little chance to flourish in soccer, as a sport at that time.

But that changed when my daughters were in grade school – and they started to play soccer.  On weekends their school had parent, teacher, student soccer games.  Everyone played and it was a madhouse.  But fun.  From that experience I found an interest in soccer.  I started following it a little bit and found more games to play in. 

One thing I do the night before I played as game was to sleep with a soccer ball in the bed beside me.  My wife did not find that amusing.  She was very jealous of my football because, well, because she knew the next day I would be gone, sometimes with the girls.  And when I returned in the evening I was worn out from the experience.  But still, the night before the game I look at the football, bounce it around with my feet, even talk to it. This might seem brainless, but it gives me confidence. I talk to the football, I tell it to do it’s job properly by flying in the net for me.  Actually I was mainly concerned about tripping over the football or kicking it into the opponent’s net.

What I eventually figured out was that with the growth of soccer competition in the United Stated and, in particular, World Cup Football, many of us had been glued to the TV cheering our country on. And no matter what country you are rooting for, soccer is a sport that brings the whole world together. In keeping with the spirit of the World Cup, I decided to paint a few soccer inspired images from various photos from around the world.   I am just getting started but look forward to the challenge.  It is the start of something interesting for me and maybe the way soccer is going in the United States a greater interest in the sport.   And what is the most interesting position of a player to paint?   A striker.  

World Cup art image of football player

The 2014 World Cup begins on June 12, "You have to show up in the World Cup, and in the World Cup anything can happen."  quote from Lionel Messi.

  Here is a football (USA soccer) image painted of a player running down the field.  I am looking forward to getting some good photograph to use as reference for some upcoming paintings this summer.  The painting is 14" by 20" on cardboard covered in vintage newsprint of soccer information.  The soccer art with the frame makes the overall dimensions 16" x 20"   acrylic and ink on the newsprint.

Footbal Art (US Soccer) Image Painting of Lionel Messi FC Barcelona

The great Argentine football player Lionel Messi. Commonly ranked as the best player in the world   Messi is an Argentine footballer who plays as a forward for Spanish club FC Barcelona and the Argentina national team. World Cup Football Art.  Painting of Messi kicking a football.  Painting is 24 1/2" by 23 1/4" acrylic and ink on football (soccer) pages and photographs mounted on wood.  (US Soccer painting) 

 One of my favorite quotes from Messi, " In football as in watch making, talent and elegance mean nothing without rigour and precision."

Soccer Art Painting by Artist John Robertson

Soccer (football) Sports Art black and white painting is
60" x 42" (5 feet by 3 1/2 feet)
acrylic on unstretched canvas
Watching the US Soccer team play Algeria in the world cup on TV the other day made me think that I need to get out and exercise. As I am new to watching a lot of soccer it is hard for me to understand how the US Soccer team can win the opening bracket and not win the games. If they had lost or tied Algeria they would have been finished in World Cup play. But they scored one point and they win the bracket – which means they went from last to first on Landon Donovan’s score in overtime.
What is really interesting to me is that Jozy Altidore (link to Altidore’s twitter) made it happen as he did throughout the game as the U.S. soccer squad defeated Algeria. The US team wasn't going to give up in the World Cup challenge. So, next up on Saturday – Ghana. Where’s Ghana? Here.