Basketball painting on unstretched canvas. I am in the photo so you can get a sense of size of this sports art painting.  I was watching the playoffs and thought it would be interesting to paint a sports art piece refglecting a basketball player from the Los Angeles Clippers driving against a Memphis Grizzlies defender.The painting is 5 feet by 6 feet ink and acrylic

Philip Humber Pitcher Chicago White Sox Throws No-Hitter

This is a small sports baseball painting of Philip Humber who threw the most recent no-hitter in Major League Baseball. The no-hitter was thrown against the Seattle Mariners on April 21, 2012. Humber recorded a perfect game.
A no-hitter is a baseball game in which one team prevents the other from recording a hit during the entire game.There have been 251 official major league no-hitters, including two in the postseason. 
The baseball art is a 14” x 17” oil painting on drafting film. The actual baseball player image on the drafting film is about 10” x 14”.

Baseball Art – First Baseman Albert Pujols Los Angeles Angels Painting

Portrait art. Painting of trophy baseball player Albert Pujols. He is in the Los Angeles Angels lineup, playing first base and batting third. Painting is 8" x 10" acrylic, watercolor and ink on 11" x 14" drafting film.

Sports Art Derek Jeter Baseball Art

Derek Jeter Joins The 3,000-Hit Club On Saturday July 9th in the afternoon, Derek Jeter became just the second player in MLB history to homer for his 3,000th hit. And no all-star game for him as he says he has"emotional and physical exhaustion" from his pursuit of 3,000 hits.
Baseball art - Painting of Derek Jeter by Sports Artist John Robertson is 11” by 14” oil on Drafting Film

Art Basketball Image Players at Venice Beach, CA

Venice beach basketball players, sport art, sport images basketball,
Basketball "Defense" sports art painting by John Robertson
60" x 72" acrylic on unstretched canvas

Basketball sports art. The new Amway sports arena in Orlando Florida purchased this basketball art. This is where the NBA Orlando Magic plays. The sports arena opened the first part of October. The sports image came from a photograph I took of the basketball players that play on the courts in Venice CA.  The basketball courts were the ones used when filming the  great basketball movie, "White Men Can't Jump."
Somewhere else on this blog is some more paintings I did for the Amway Sports Arena

Brett Favre Has Back-Stepped Comfortably Into the Pocket with Minnesota

Sports Art by Artist John Robertson

Quarterback, Quarteracks, football images, football art, brett favre

This football painting of Minnesota Vikings Quarterback Brett Favre is 6 feet by 5 feet, acrylic on unstretched canvas. Football Art by Artist John Robertson
We can identify football heroes by the number on their back. The Minnesota Vikings may be playing a team sport but number 4 is their hero. Brett Favre led Minnesota to finish the regular football season with a 12-4 record. And with their home-field advantage the Vikings embarrassed Dallas Cowboys with a 34 –3 rout. "I know we're not done yet," Favre said after throwing four touchdown passes in last Sunday’s game. "The New Orleans Saints, they're explosive."
We do not know what would have happened if the Vikings had not paid Favre what seemed to be a foolish price of $12 million dollars for the season. But heroes are not cheap. They are skilled and superior. So, if you are running a football team and someone says to you that they have an old quarterback who has played for nineteen years and has started 289 consecutive times and is in condition and willing to play – and you don’t think you should spend the money – think again. The detractors did come out after a couple of tough losses. But, not only did Favre have a good season – he is having one of his best - and at the age of 40. For those who like heroes it is not a complicated story.
For most of the season Vikings fans have been dancing in the streets. But Favre is not invincible or ultimately indestructible. When Favre is on target - damage to the opposition. When he is off – oops! And he has had a couple of those games – witness the 30-to-17 loss to the Cardinals.
Favre is not looking to end his career going gently into the night. That was not an idle chat he had with coach Brad Childress during that Panthers game. Those nineteen years of experience says, "keep me in coach!" And after the loss to the Bears he came gunning back and blasted the visiting New York Giants 44-7 and last Sunday, the Dallas Cowboys. On a white horse, Favre wants to lead the charge in the NFC Championship game against the New Orleans Saints.
The elder Favre was a cult hero in Green Bay. After this season he certainly has his followers in Minnesota. We love leaders. We love heroes. We will see him in New Orleans. And if we do not see our hero in the Super Bowl we may see him again, for the last time in the Pro Bowl. It will be Favre's eleventh.