Baseball Players on Steroids

Baseball and Steroids, Runs, Hits and Lots of Errors

The first thing a new season’s manager needs to tell the players is the difference between human growth hormones (HGH), bovine growth hormone (bGH)and no hormones – and it has nothing to do with utters. He needs to tell the players some side

effects of steroids are reversible but other effects are never changed in the minds of the public.

By taking steroids and bGH a player can inflate his statistics and his body. I don’t mean to pick on Mark McGwire but to use him as an example In 1996 McGwire hit 50 home runs with 390 official times at bat – every 7.8 times he was at the plate. Babe Ruth did that eating candy bars and "light drink." When listening to McGwire’s infamous performance before 

House Government Reform Committee

 in March 2005 there were short pauses while viewers smothered their faces with laughter. McGwire didn’t hit 135 home runs in two years eating bonbons. Originally the baseball was made so you couldn’t hit it easily, high, or far, so 60 home runs a season hitters are usually pituitary freaks. But we want our players to be made by nature not in the lab. Remember when baseball players were small? (For example: PeeWee Reese). Joe DIMaggiowas only 6 feet 2 inches and weighed 193 pounds. 

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? There is a generation out there that thinks DiMaggio invented the coffee maker. Like Joe DiMaggio, baseball players are symbols – of what things were what things are and what things will be. I guess we, as fans, get what we deserve. I just prefer not to see a some great ballplayer pumped up on steroids riding in a convertible waving to a frenzied crowd.

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Drawing Art Tango Dancers Charcoal on Wood drawing

I think these Tango dancers qualify as sports images as they show action and movement.Tango Dancing seems like a sport to me. t. I prefer this kind of contact sport.   They are charcoal on wood panel 18" x 24" and was drawn for a solo exhibition of Tango drawing at Gallery 381 in San Pedro CA.  There were approximately 20 tango dancers charcoal drawings in the show.

When I was in high school I certainly had the ability to play a sport for the school. There were two reasons why I did not play an organized sport.  One of the main reasons I did not play sports was that I did not like the body contact with other guys.  Although a very good athlete I was not into that whole male bonding, jock, locker room kind of thing that  athletes had going.  I certainly had more interest in body contact with girls and preferred to be up in the stands next to my girlfriend.  I had no interest in being down on the football field piling onto the top of other guys or on a basketball court banging into other guys.  If I was going to be in the gym I preferred dancing with a girl in my arms. If I was going to be on top of someone it certainly was not going to be a group of guys. My interest was more towards being on top of my girlfriend, That just seemed to make more sense to me. 

And the second reason I didn't play high school sports was that my grades didn't allow for it.  One had to have a C average.  I din't even have a D average.  To give you an idea of how bad a student I was - our high school class had eight-hundred-and-thirty-seven students in it.  I was ranked eight-hundred-and-thirty-five. There were eight-hundred-and-thirty-four students that had better grades than me.   There were only two students that had worse grades than me - and those two were by friends.   Good friends.  I didn't make the cut.  I didn't graduate. 

I do not have many paintings in my studio available for sale,  If you are interested in a painting of a specific subject matter please do not hesitate to contact me for consultation.  I do many commissions for individual clients.  Please contact me through the aboutme/contact page for any questions or thoughts that you may have,

Art Basketball Image player dribbling the ball

basketball dribbling, basketball dribble, charcoal drawings, art drawing, drawing art,
I did a series of large-scale (5 ft by 6 ft) black and white paintings for the Amway Sports Arena in Orlando Florida a couple of months ago. (Home of the Orlando Magic) I sometimes do charcoal drawings or small paintings first to see if the image is going to work well. (You can see some of those paintings further down on the blog.) I was running out of paper so I drew this basketball image of a player dribbling the ball on a map.

Art basketball. Sport image on map by sports artist John Robertson
dribbling is 10" x 14" charcoal on paper.

Football Charcoal Drawing of #12 Quarterback.

Here is preliminary charcoal drawing for a large-scale painting of a quarterback being brought down by "his shoestrings." Some linemen and linebackers got to know quarterbacks intimately. I am not sure who wears number 12 as a quarterback now. I know that the Dallas Cowboys, Roger Staubach wore the number. As an aside; here is an odd quote from Roger Staubach: "I have a lot to learn about NASCAR. But I've learned if you have the right people in the right places doing the right things, you can be successful at whatever you do."
Art. Charcoal drawing of a quarterback being "sacked’ by artist John Robertson is 18" x 24" on paper.

Football charcoal drawing of Running Back # 34

There has been a lot of good running back wearing the number 34 on their backs. The ones that come to mind are: Walter Payton, Earl Campbell wore it a short bit of time, Joe Perry (old timer), Ricky Williams, Thurman Thomas and of course the great Nolan Ryan (oops wrong sport)
Preliminary drawing for large football painting
Charcoal drawing of a running back wearing number 34.
Football Art by artist John Robertson is 12" x 18" on paper.

A Cool Brees Forcasted for the Super Bowl in Miami

Football Sports Art by Artist John Robertson
charcoal drawing of football players
Regardless of the Score or Situation Drew Brees Exudes Leadership
If I made sixty million dollars for six years to play football for the New Orleans Saints and was starting to run out of time, the last position I would want to play is quarterback - even if I was Drew Brees playing in the Super Bowl XLIV on Sunday. I would like to keep my teeth and legs in one piece. You would not find me walking onto a field and saying to guys like, Indianapolis Colts’ tandem defensive ends, Dwight Freeney (who will probably start) and Robert Mathis, "I’m standing here. Catch me if you can." Because they can catch me – I would not want to walk away from each football game having to ice my whole body. There are easier ways to make ten million dollars a year.
I fully understand guys that take the money and run. But Brees just stands in that pocket – waiting. Drew waits like some hunter waiting for a charging elephant to get close enough before firing off a shot. Me? I’d be out of that pocket so fast. I am not hanging around for that three hundred and twelve pounds of the Colts Defensive Tackle Daniel Muir to come plowing through the Saints’s line. No way.
I would not assume that middle linebacker Gary Brackett is too small to be effective. You may not know this – although the male lion is larger and is the king, it is the lioness that eats first. Brackett has the same great instincts and is "hard-nosed" enough to dominate – whether it is blitzing or covering a receiver he can intimidate a quarterback.
There are safer activities than playing quarterback in the NFL – jumping off a bridge with a big rubber band tied to your ankles or free climbing the face of El Capitán (look mom, no rope) - There must be a better way to finish off the last couple of years of the sixty million dollar contract. If it were me I’d want to be on the sidelines sending in hand signals to a back-up quarterback or, if I must be in the game I’d like to be the placekick holder.
Why is Drew Brees out on the field taking the hits? He likes to throw a football. It is what he is about. Runners run. Kickers kick. Fighters fight. Quarterbacks throw. Brees leads, others follow. I watch.

Football Art Quarterback Joe Namath Charcoal Drawing

Quarterback, Quarteracks, football images, football art, Joe Namath Preliminary drawing for a large painting of Joe Namath of the New York Jets. The drawing is 24" x 18" charcoal on paper. If you want to see the finished painting tht is 8 feet tall by 3 ½ feet wide please visit my web site at

Football Art - Linebacker - Charcoal Drawing

Preliminary drawing for a large painting that you can see further down on this blog. The drawing is 24" x 18" charcoal on paper.. Number 66 linebacker. I am not sure who this drawing represents. Three good ones come to mind. Clyde Turner (Chicago Bears ,Ray Nitschke (Green Bay Packers) or Billy Shaw (Buffalo Bills). In the end I prefer Ray Nitschke of the Green Bay Packers. That is because I spent a couple of weeks in Green Bay in the early 60’s and went to the daily workouts on Lambeau Field. At the time they allowed the public to sit right on the bench with the players during workout. It was fun to be so "up close and personal" with the players.

Football Art Running Back Charcoal Drawing

Preliminary drawing for a large painting that you can see further down on this blog. The drawing is 24" x 18" charcoal on paper.. Number 28 running back. I’m not sure who this art represents. Three good ones come to mind. Marshall Faulk running back for Indianapolis Colts, St. Louis Rams, running back Darrell Green, Washington Redskins or running back Curtis Martin who played for the New England Patriots and the New York Jets.