“The Story of Creating  “Air Going South’”

The Connection to Creation

Oil on unstretched canvas 11” x 17”

Standing in front of my easel while I work on “Air Going South,” I feel a connection to the process of creation. Each stroke on the canvas tells a story of choices made in the moment. The palette knife moves with intention, yet there’s a freedom in its path. The landscape emerges not from a strict plan but from a series of decisions, each one building on the last.

The Journey of Creation

As I look at the painting, I see the journey of its creation. There are areas where the paint is thick, where the knife dug deep, and others where it barely grazed the surface. These variations are not errors but parts of the whole, each contributing to the final image. The colors blend and contrast, creating a scene that feels both familiar and new.

Embracing the Unexpected

This piece reminds me that art is about embracing the unexpected. It’s about seeing potential in every mark and knowing that each one has a place. The landscape before me is a testament to the beauty of exploration and the courage to let the process unfold naturally.


Venice Beach, CA Street Basketball Players


"The Art of Conveying Emotion in Landscape Painting"