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How Two Artists See the Same Scene Differently
art videos, videos, abstract landscape John Robertson art videos, videos, abstract landscape John Robertson

How Two Artists See the Same Scene Differently

It's amusing how my wife and I, despite being in the same place, viewing the same landscape, always seem to have different focal points. I find myself gazing at the horizon, while she's pointing out a bird nestled in a tree. This difference is reflected in our art—her paintings are meticulously detailed, while mine focus on the broader picture. When I paint, I'm not aiming for a precise representation of what I saw. Instead, I'm capturing the emotions evoked by the scene—the colors, shapes, and lines. My wife paints what she observes, every tiny detail, while I paint my interpretation of the vast, open landscape. It's intriguing how we can both look at the same thing and arrive at entirely different perspectives. That's what I appreciate about art—there's no definitive right or wrong approach. It's about capturing what you see and how it affects you.

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