Soccer Art Painting by Artist John Robertson

Soccer (football) Sports Art black and white painting is
60" x 42" (5 feet by 3 1/2 feet)
acrylic on unstretched canvas
Watching the US Soccer team play Algeria in the world cup on TV the other day made me think that I need to get out and exercise. As I am new to watching a lot of soccer it is hard for me to understand how the US Soccer team can win the opening bracket and not win the games. If they had lost or tied Algeria they would have been finished in World Cup play. But they scored one point and they win the bracket – which means they went from last to first on Landon Donovan’s score in overtime.
What is really interesting to me is that Jozy Altidore (link to Altidore’s twitter) made it happen as he did throughout the game as the U.S. soccer squad defeated Algeria. The US team wasn't going to give up in the World Cup challenge. So, next up on Saturday – Ghana. Where’s Ghana? Here.

Fair Play? United States Ties Slovenia in World Cup Play

Soccer Player Flicking Football
Sports Painting by artist John Robertson
60" x 40" (5 feet by 3 ½ feet)
acrylic on unstretched canvas
American sub Maurice Edu flicks the soccer ball hard for the winning United States goal over Slovenia in world cup play. Wrong. Thanks to the incompetence of the referee from Mali. (Make that from Mars.) (You want to know about the country Mali? Check out this link to the CIA’s
information page about Mali.)
"What was the foul, Coulibaly?" Mute during the game he has not, nor does he have to answer the question according to a foolish rule of FIFA You want to know what Edu thinks? Ask Maurice on his twitter.